For the creative who wants to grace the runways with their gifts
To ensure that your training is current and cutting-edge, we’ve teamed up with top fashion designers from Alexander McQueen, Aritzia, Lululemon, Helly Hansen, Kit and Ace, and OAK+FORT, giving you access to some of the most design-oriented minds in the city. We asked these industry leaders what they’re looking for in recent graduates and incorporated their wants and needs into an efficient, 6-month design program.
The goal of this innovative, practical program is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to work as a designer with confidence and pride. Students will be able to identify, understand, and use the types of equipment, tools, software, and materials required to complete garment construction. JCI graduates have the ability to stand out as a designer with strong practical and technical skills. After only 6 months of study, students will complete a collection of garments to be featured in a fashion show.
This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.
Students attend class 24 hours per week.
The Review puts you back into the design mindset, even if you never left. In this fashion academy refresher, we’ll look back at the important topics covered in the prerequisite fashion courses you took prior to this program.THE LOOK:
The Look is where you’ll learn the industry standards and methods that make up the fashion design process. You’ll explore how research and creative thinking can generate design ideas, and how you can translate that vision into fashion design that actually sells. Through constant analysis of the retail environment, target markets and past and present innovation, you’ll gain a fundamental foundation in this fashion design course. The focus of this fashion course is to understand the practical, economical side of fashion design, while also fostering creativity and a cultivating an aesthetic that is unique to you.THE RANGE:
The Range provides you with the opportunity to realize your vision, starting with a design concept and finishing with a full collection. It’s really your chance to build on the ideas you established in The Look. Throughout it all, you’ll work in a fashion academy setting similar to a design studio. The goal is to create a collection that considers the economic feasibility of your product in today’s market. You’ll explore ideas around technical fabrics, alternative construction techniques, surface finishes/detailing, colour palettes, line plans and printing. Building on your knowledge of supply chain essentials and requirements, you’ll create Technical Packages of your designs. Over the course of 12 weeks, you’ll expand your range and understanding of the design process, so you can move on to constructing your garments in The Make.THE MAKE:
Your fashion college education is what you make of it—literally. A critical part of the program, The Make is your chance to construct actual garments. In Term 1, each lesson will begin with theory, followed by a demonstration. Then, you’ll work individually while the instructor rotates through the class, giving each student sufficient one-on-one time. You’ll be introduced to basic pattern making, garment construction and sewing techniques to help you translate your designs into a fashion career. These lessons will give you an eye for quality, as well as a solid understanding of how a garment is built. In Term 2, you’ll create your final looks utilizing the valuable skills you’ve learned.THE CUT:
During The Cut, you’ll learn what it takes to get your collection to market so that it can be sold to consumers. You’ll have the opportunity to showcase your collection in a JCI institute fashion show—a high-energy, public event attended by media, fashion industry personnel, sponsors and your friends and family. You’ll also style a photo shoot of your collection and look at other ways to market your line. This fashion course provides you with legitimate material for your portfolio and teaches you how to communicate your brand’s message to an audience. By the end of it, you’ll be able to sell yourself and the ethos behind your designs.
TUITION: $12,500
Textbooks and supplies (students to purchase)
*Available through JCI
1. Textbook: Apparel Making in Fashion Design - $90.00
2. Sewing Kit: $285.00 *Detailed list provided to students
TOTAL: $375
3. School supplies: $500 estimate only - *Detailed list provided to students
4. Adobe Creative Cloud - *Price will vary based on subscription and/or promotions
5. Microsoft Excel - *Price will vary based on subscription and/or promotions
Sewing machine for home use: not mandatory but suggested.
PLEASE NOTE: Students must bring their own laptops.
Tuition awards are available to those who qualify. Financial aid is available for domestic students.
For international student tuition fees, please visit the International page.